
Monday, 30 January 2012

Chestnut Ridge Charity Customizing Contest

The voting has closed and the winners have been decided so I thought I would do a quick post to show you the winning horses.

1st place went to this beautiful appaloosa painted by Lacey Shaline Marshall:

2nd place went to one of my own customs a light grey G3 TWH:

And third place went to a set of purple unicorns by Elizabeth Hibbard!!!

I am hoping to do another contest soon. If you would like to enter or want details of the eBay auctions when they are put up just comment :D

Mane Stages

I finished the mane on the Sagr on Friday and thought I would show you the steps by which I completed it.

The first step was to obviously remove the whole of the mane. I used a dremel tool to hack most of the mane off and then sanded the rest down. Unfortunately I was left with a few holes once this was finished as the plastic simply wasn't thick enough:

These had to be filled. I used Amazing Sculpt to fill the holes and let it dry for 24 hours before sanding it down:

Once it was sanded I started on the mane. I did a lot of experimenting but eventually ended up using a sort of triangle technique forming triangles and then tooling them into the right shape. I started at the base of the neck and worked upwards to make it look more natural. I used a tool to gently lift the mane off to give it the windswept appearance:

A lot more tooling and sculpting later and finishing with alcohol spirit and the mane was left to dry. The horse was left wedged in a drawer so the mane naturally fell back and dried windswept:

The primer is currently drying (it hadn't been applied here) so more updates next week. Not bad for my second ever attempt at mane resculpting!

Monday, 23 January 2012

Two Latest Customs

Just a quick post to share with you the two customs that I showed you last week all finished up. Both are now for sale on eBay so I will post links to their listings as well.


Al-Wahed means 'The Only One' (it is also a boys name but we'll all pretend that it isn't for now). She is a very pretty and very over the top red bay Schleich Arabian Mare. I do love red bays....a lot of the horses I'm currently working on are red bays, I think I may be going through a faze again...

Mmm.....contrasty :p

Here is her eBay auction link:

All That Jazz

I now have that song stuck in my head....All That Jazz is a very jazzy dun Ginger. Nothing really very much to say about her. I mixed some gold paint into her coat so that she has a very faint very slight shimmer. I do love it when dun's shimmer :D

You can sort of just see the shimmer in these pictures.

Here is her eBay link:

I also have some charity listings on eBay at the moment which should help raise some money for 'Wellboring'. You can take a look at them here:

If you want to know more about Wellboring then there website is here:

Sanding...Sanding....and more Sanding

There is a reason why I have a massive blister on my thumb...and no it is not because I have been sucking it too much!

Last week I purchased myself two Sagr bodies to be painted up. I decided that at least one could have a bit of resculpting done. So I decided to combine efforts and use him for a tutorial on how to create a windswept mane and tail for February's magazine.

The inspiration for the mane and tail come from this picture here:

(isn't that foal squishyful).

The first step is of course to remove the existing mane and tail. The tail wasn't too bad I just sawed it off and then sanded the remaining blob down so it was almost flat. There was a heavy seam there as well so I dealt with that at the same time.

The next step was the mane. I decided that a multi-tooled attack would probably be the best bet. I used the dremel to literally hack chunks of the mane off (there really is no more eloquent way to describe this process) and then sanded....a lot.

It still isn't finished and as you can see the poor horse now has a hole in his neck but we are getting there slowly!

I put his little friend in the background to show you what he used to look like.

So yes I now have a massive blister and have done a lot of sanding! I should be able to update you with more pictures next weekend.

Monday, 16 January 2012

First Customs of 2012

Over the weekend I finished my first customs of 2012. I started the first on Friday and finished her Sunday and the second one was completely done (or dun) Sunday morning.

The first custom is a Schleich Arabian mare. She has been painted to a heavily contrasting bay, with lots of definition and reverse dapples on her side. She has four white socks and a white star.

The second was done for a colour sheet on the 'dun' colour. I will publish some of the development pictures just as soon as I have uploaded them onto my computer! She is a Classic scale Duchess done to a lovely golden dun (now you get the dun joke) and is rather pretty. I added a tiny bit of gold into her paint mix so that she has a slight glisten to her coat. It makes her look rather beautiful.

So here they both are whilst still in progress. I left them with their sealant drying yesterday so will post pictures of what they look like finished and glossed at the Weekend for you.

This picture is from the side with the flash:

Hope you like them both. I adore the dun she is just so pretty.

Your challenge for the day is to work out how many times I said done/dun in that was far to many I'm sure!

Monday, 9 January 2012

Template Listing - Listing Items on eBay

I just finished listing a load of items on eBay and thought I would do something I had been meaning to do for a while now. I already publish a guide to selling model horses on eBay which can be found here:

But I thought it might be quite a good idea to publish a template which people could simply copy and paste and write into it their description of their item. That way people could remember to include all relevant information. If there is anything you think I should add then let me know.

So here it is...

Template eBay Listing - Copywrite Chestnut Ridge

You are free to use this template as much as you like but please do give credit where credit is due and do not reproduce the template itself outside of the eBay selling context.

Items that are in green are descriptions of what should go into each area

Listing Title

e.g. Custom Breyer Andalusian

Important Information

e.g. Tack is for a MODEL HORSE

Mold Name
Face Markings
Leg Markings

Live Show Placings


About The Horse/Tack

Include a general description of the item including all requirements and in particular order times for hand made items. This should be as long and as detailed as possible.

Shipping Information

Include here your shipping times and policies

Postage Prices

List your postage prices for all countries and methods you offer


Additional information such as "Buyer must pay within 3 days of auction finishing"

Please take a look at my other items

Please just ask to see any more pictures or for any more information

Thank you for looking

Thursday, 5 January 2012

New Saddleset

First of all my apologies that I haven't written anything in so long! I have been completely useless I know! Hopefully this post will make up for that and I will try and update more regularly in future.

Over the weekend I lost another little piggie Maisie, she was 5 and very pretty. Here she is:

To help keep myself busy I decided to finish off a Rio Rondo Classic Western saddle set that I had started over the Summer. If you have never used these kits then I can highly recommend them they are really great quality and so easy to follow that even if you are useless like me you can still create something that is reasonably good.

I had already cut all the pieces and done the tooling on the set as well as starting off the saddle. The saddle itself is made from tooling leather and sciver and is natural in colour with a black seat. It has a tooled flower pattern which makes it look rather attractive:

You can see the tooled pattern in this picture. I added dotted tooling around the outside to make it look as if the saddle is stitched:

The other side of the saddle has a matching pattern. As you can see there are two cinch girths and a black seat for contrast:

The set also has a matching breastplate with similar floral tooling. The breastplate is also made of natural tooling leather and leather lace. It has a tie down strap that hooks onto the front cinch and buckles onto the saddle through D rings.

The bridle is a very plain natural leather bridle with black reins. The reason the reins are black is because I lost my last piece of natural coloured leather lace (I have now actually found it). But I think they help to add to the contrast:

And here is the set overall being beautiful shown off by CRS Rubber Bungs aka Kate:

I hope you like it! I plan to make a few more soon :D And just to finish off the model is an OF Breyer Classic called 'Kate' that I bought from Countrywide several years ago. She is a Lusitano mare.