
Monday, 23 January 2012

Two Latest Customs

Just a quick post to share with you the two customs that I showed you last week all finished up. Both are now for sale on eBay so I will post links to their listings as well.


Al-Wahed means 'The Only One' (it is also a boys name but we'll all pretend that it isn't for now). She is a very pretty and very over the top red bay Schleich Arabian Mare. I do love red bays....a lot of the horses I'm currently working on are red bays, I think I may be going through a faze again...

Mmm.....contrasty :p

Here is her eBay auction link:

All That Jazz

I now have that song stuck in my head....All That Jazz is a very jazzy dun Ginger. Nothing really very much to say about her. I mixed some gold paint into her coat so that she has a very faint very slight shimmer. I do love it when dun's shimmer :D

You can sort of just see the shimmer in these pictures.

Here is her eBay link:

I also have some charity listings on eBay at the moment which should help raise some money for 'Wellboring'. You can take a look at them here:

If you want to know more about Wellboring then there website is here:

Sanding...Sanding....and more Sanding

There is a reason why I have a massive blister on my thumb...and no it is not because I have been sucking it too much!

Last week I purchased myself two Sagr bodies to be painted up. I decided that at least one could have a bit of resculpting done. So I decided to combine efforts and use him for a tutorial on how to create a windswept mane and tail for February's magazine.

The inspiration for the mane and tail come from this picture here:

(isn't that foal squishyful).

The first step is of course to remove the existing mane and tail. The tail wasn't too bad I just sawed it off and then sanded the remaining blob down so it was almost flat. There was a heavy seam there as well so I dealt with that at the same time.

The next step was the mane. I decided that a multi-tooled attack would probably be the best bet. I used the dremel to literally hack chunks of the mane off (there really is no more eloquent way to describe this process) and then sanded....a lot.

It still isn't finished and as you can see the poor horse now has a hole in his neck but we are getting there slowly!

I put his little friend in the background to show you what he used to look like.

So yes I now have a massive blister and have done a lot of sanding! I should be able to update you with more pictures next weekend.