
Friday, 23 March 2012

Information About Our Website

Dear fellow model horse people,

As many of you know I run a website ( This site is hosted by an eCommerce provider called 'Tiger Commerce'. I found out a few weeks ago that they have been acquired by another eCommerce provider ekm Powershop.

This means that all of our software will be moving from the Tiger Commerce platform and onto Ekm Powershop. This should be happening within the next few weeks. Although I have been assured that this shouldn't effect the website there is a chance that it may and I apologise in advance if it does.

I am hoping that this will work out to be a good relationship and that ekm will help to enhance the store further, however, if costs increase then I unfortunately will have to make some tough decisions about the future.

I will of course be keeping people updated!

In other internet related news my web provider (Waitrose) is becoming part of John Lewis. To cut a long story short the result is that we may have to move provider. This may mean no internet down time at all but will more than likely mean months without internet access...we will see how that one pans out but me and my Windows Phone may be getting rather acquainted (again).

Hope all is well,

Catriona x