
Saturday, 3 November 2012

Two More Commission Pieces

These guys had their paint work finished last week but I didn't get around to sealing and glossing them today.

Their new owner is Sarah Hindmarsh and she seems happy with them :D

First up is a G3 Percheron. Sarah asked for him to be pinto in any colour apart from she got bay! But you can see why I chose it, he's a very handsome boy!

Next up is another Percheron. She was more specific with this one and asked for white grey.

His face is just to die for!

Classic Bridle

I think I posted you some in progress pictures of this bridle but here it is finished.

It is a Classic scale bridle in brown with a fixed cavesson noseband. It has a snaffle bit (cast) and is made to fit the Safari Clydesdale mold.

The bridle itself is for sale if you are interested and they are available to order.

It's nice to do a bridle for a heavy horse, not something I do every day!

How To Make A Rainbow Unicorn - The Paint Work

This is where you can be really creative! I've gone for quite a simply design but use your creativity and design something gorgeous! I'll tell you how I created mine just incase you want to go for the same look.

Step 1

The first stage is the overall base coat and coat in general as I'm only using two layers. I mixed a bright pink paint with some white to dull it down a bit so it wasn't completely in your face!

Cover the whole model in this colour and leave to dry

Step 2

Now it's time to highlight the details. I used a lilac glitter paint to do the details.

Firstly I added a little heart to either side of the horses rump.

Then I painted the hooves, horn and eyes in the lilac glitter paint :)

Now leave her to dry :)

How To Make a Rainbow Unicorn - Prepping

The next stage is to prep the model, don't do this until all your sculpting is completely dry :)

Prepping is relatively easy so there is only one image...

Step 1

Sand down all the heavy seams and seals from your model to create a completely smooth surface.

Step 2

Now prime your model. I use Games Workshop Skull White Spray Paint as my primer because I like the finish it gives, use whatever you like to use or whatever you can buy reasonably cheaply. Don't buy cheap cheap primer because it creates a glossy finish that airbrushed paints and pastels don't stick to properly.

Once your model is primed he should be nice and white :D