
Thursday, 26 December 2013

2014 Vintage Club Models

Here are some of the 2014 vintage club models for you :)

The Stablemate is a gorgeous little drafter:

Then there is the optional model 'Mr. Chips'

And the first model which is a rather interesting drafter!

Sunday, 22 December 2013

Stablemate Custom

Meet Cedric he was my birthday present from Jess one of our dogs. He's a beautiful black leopard appaloosa G2 Shetland. He's absolutely gorgeous, I'm so happy with him :D


He arrived this week :) He's very nice I just don't like the back end that much. He's like a pony on the front end and an Appaloosa on the back end.

Saturday, 14 December 2013

New Models

First up the 2014 Classic model

I think someone has a few shoulder issues

And some size comparison pictures

Magic and Hamlet - First up Magic


O and Trooper fell into the basket as well :p

I loves Midnight Tangos :D Need some mores me thinks


Not a fan of this bull at all...especially not at that price! But sure those who collect them will love him


Wednesday, 11 December 2013

I spy with my little eye...more CollectA's!

First up an African Wild Ass

Pinto walking foal

Standing pinto foal

Walking Thoroughbred foal

Standing Thoroughbred foal

Pinto mare

Three new Mojo models

I feel like I'm harassing you with new model news today :p

Unicorn....yea I'm not sure what is happening here either

Pregnant Arab mare. I like this one, be quite good with a new repaint

This is my favourite though, a pegasus

Yet more new Breyers

And some more for you (this time of the year it seems this is all I blog about)!

Year of the Horse this one! Definitely adding it to my herd


Mu Wen Ma

Yes that is a woodgrain clock horse you are looking at :D

New Fjord...GVF Sjokolade (or Hershey...that's a lot easier to spell)


Let's Go Riding English

Lol this is rather...ummm....vintage? I think its the bridle that really ruins it! I kinda want the horse though, can add it to my collection of old school mutated molds :p

And the Western set. Nice choice of model for this one

Hot Colours English Set

Not sure...partial re-release maybe? Looks quite good on that Esprit though, might have to get one and then get it this set

Love this set!

Now this is a good idea! A Parade Set! It'll probably be pretty tacky but still nice to have something different