
Monday, 18 March 2013


Well like a Ghost Breyer snuck this on and didn't inform anyone (absolutely HATE it when they do this). Very disappointed as my husband would love this, would have made a brilliant birthday present.

Anyway meet 'Ghost'

More 2013 Models - In The Flesh

First up are the three Artist pieces. These are the same scale as the Parade of Breeds horses and are made of resin. The three depict horses from famous paintings.

First the wild mustang:

Second the very recognisable Stubbs horse

And finally Leonardo de Vinchi's a Gentlemans Mount

Next up the new Marwari model (I must warn you this horse wobbles like hell...)

And the Gypsy Vanner. Despite the fact that he looks awful in all the pictures I have seen I actually quite like him in the flesh. Although I'm not looking forward to painting that mane...

Southern Roundup

Southern Roundup was held on Saturday. It was a good show even if it was a little stressful at the beginning due to all my performance horses being untacked! That said I got a few good placings and quite a lot of my own tack and customs place which is always nice :)

Best placing of the day was CRS Just Jazz my gorgeous Deb Brown custom SJW (with a Huck head) who got a section champion.

Here is a full link to all the pictures for you to look through:

And a link to my own show gallery to see horses painted by me who have won: