
Saturday, 26 October 2013

2014 Breyer Premier Model

I am definitely rejoining next year!

Three New Customs

Baby Come Over - Black Leopard Appaloosa Paradressage

She is £15 + postage

Baby Goodbye - Chestnut Pinto G1 Morgan Mare

Baby Love - G2 Trotting Foal Resculpt to Black Pinto

2014 Releases

Some of next years releases:


Breyer Horses Classics 2014 Horse of the Year Amelia Pre-Order Only
This to me looks kinda like the SM G3 Paint crossed with a Swaps...

Primmore's Pride
Breyer Horses The Event Horse Primmore's Pride with Book Pre-Order Only

The Dream Horse
Breyer Horses The Dream Horse Magic Spirit with Book Pre-Order Only

Appaloosa Mare & Foal
Breyer Horses Classics Chestnut Semi-Leopard Appaloosa Stallion and Chestnut Blanket Appaloosa Foal

Morgan Mare & Foal
Breyer Horses Classics Raven Black Morgan Mare and Red Bay Foal Pre-Order Only

Dartmoor Mare & Foal
Breyer Horses Classics Mealy Bay Dartmoor Pony Mare and Light Bay Foal Pre-Order Only

New Arrival Playset
Breyer Horses Classics New Arrival at the Barn Pre-Order Only


RCH Ventarrones
Breyer Horses RCH Ventarrones - Peruvian Horse Pre-Order Only

Magic & Hamlet
Breyer Horses Magic and Hamlet Pre-Order Only
These are beautiful. I love this mold and the face markings on the chestnut is just awesome!

OT Sara Moniet RSI
Breyer Horses OT Sara Moniet RSI Pre-Order Only