
Thursday, 19 June 2014

First Customs in a While

Well it's been a while but I needed horses for my live show as prizes etc. so I got to work this Monday and over two days this is what I came up with!

First up is a raffle prize donation. It is a Schleich foal and has been done to a bay pinto

This is the Overall Reserve Champion prize. It is a Breyer G3 Arabian done to an appaloosa

This is the Performance Champion prize, it comes with a hollywood style Arab costume. She is a Breyer G1 Arabian done to a chestnut frosted hip appaloosa.

This is the second raffle prize. I have nicknamed him Bug Eye, he looks so scared bless him! He is a HA Gladstone done to a dun.

This is the Overall Reserve to Reserve Champion prize. She is a Safari Mini done to black.

This is the Custom Champion prize. He is a G3 Andalusian done to black.

This is the AR champion prize. He is a HA Pepys to an appaloosa.

This is the medallion first place prize. It is a Gabriel medallion by Clare Stokes done to brown.

This is the Overall Champion prize. It is a Schleich Andalusian to appaloosa.

So there we are! Hopefully we will have a full show report on Sunday to let you know how things went along with lots of pictures. For those of you who are coming I will see you then and hopefully you will be winning a lovely prize!