
Thursday, 31 December 2015

Calling all Authors - Articles Wanted

It's that time of year again when we start begging, pleading and generally making odd noises and facial expressions in an attempt to get you to submit articles for 2016 magazines!

There are some basic rules:

1. All articles/photos must be your own work and you must have the rights to use images.
2. Articles must be written in English, please no bad language!
3. Articles should be horse or model horse related in some way

Each magazine has a theme but they are pretty loose, so use your imagination!

February - Colours
April - Performance
June - Literature
August - Costumes
October - Vintage
December - 1980's

We always work hard to fit in every article we receive.

In return for contributing you get a free copy of the magazine and of course the chance to see your work be published!

To submit articles or for information about subscribing to our magazine please contact me at:

Thank you :D

Tuesday, 29 December 2015


Finally we get to see Charlie in colour, I cannot wait to get her, she is the sole reason I joined for next year!


The new sculpt for the Stablemate Collector's Club has been released and he is just adorable.

Isn't he cute? I just love his little hooves! I can't wait to receive mine.

Friday, 25 December 2015

Holly and Ivy

A special order for Collector's Club Members this Christmas day!

 Holly and Ivy
 Holly and Ivy
 Holly and Ivy
 Holly and Ivy

Sunday, 20 December 2015

More 2016 Breyer

Some more ones for you:

Classic American Pharoah

Breyer Classic (1:12) 9184 - American Pharoah - Triple Crown Winner

2016 Horse of the Year - Harper

Breyer Classic (1:12) 62116 - Harper Pinto (Horse of the Year 2016)

Rock & Roll Forever

Breyer Classic (1:12) 62034 - Rock & Roll Forever

Race Horse & Jockey

Breyer Classic (1:12) 62037 - Race Horse & Jockey

Stablemate Valegro

Breyer Stablemate (1:32) 9154 - Valegro

Friday, 18 December 2015

Sneak Peak of New Breyer Stablemate

They've released a sneak peak of the new Stablemate Collector's club model.

New 2016 Stablemates Collector Club Sculpt!

Looks like it has a nice head, not much more to say apart from that!

Breyer Club Members

If you are a Breyer Collector's Club member then go check out the homepage!

I was there simply by chance and found they are offering the grullo and bay roan AQHA's for sale!

I bought them both :p

More 2016 Breyers

Yay more Breyer news :D

First up we already know about Sweet Pea but there is more info and a rug so I've added her in!

Sweet Pea - comes with blanket & bracelet

Scooter - Also comes with blanket and bracelet

Rocky - the same, comes with blanket and bracelet

Cherry Creek Fonzie Merit

Cortes C

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Two New Commissions

Amongst the coursework and parcel packing I've managed to finish off my last pre-Christmas commissions.

These little adorable ponies will be heading off to Holly Mayes, which means I may get to see them on the show circuit next year *yay*

First up is a pink unicorn. Made with one of our resin unicorn horns. Beautiful pink coat with cherry blossom and sparkles!

Second is an adorable pinto foal. I just love this little guy! I'm so happy with the way he turned out

Friday, 11 December 2015

Bobby Jo & Forever Saige - 2016 RR's!

Looks like there won't be much of a wait for these guys to come out as regular runs!

I adore the Bobby Jo mould, so can't wait to see her in a new colour. Be interesting to see Forever Saige in a new colour as well.


A rather nice new addition to the Lakeshore collection:

He's a limited run of 20 so you'll have to be quick to grab him!

Scroll down the page to find him:


Did I scream that loud enough???

Apparently part of the 2016 range - meet Hickory Hills Wall Street

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

New Design Truck & Trailer

Check out the new colours! I'm loving the blue.

Although maybe it has a few mechanical issues...

Also note the doll - Nadia we have already, but who is this nice blue jumpered doll? Maybe someone can tell me or maybe she's new!

Here is mystery doll again, this time opening the trailer

Lucky - In Colour

The picture has been updated and you can now see the second Vintage club model in colour (sort of)

OK so the image isn't great but still, can't wait to get him!

Friday, 4 December 2015

Everything Else Emerald Green Live

If your looking for a fun day out then this is definitely it!

This show is all about fun and the schedule definitely reflects that. We will also annoy Brendon by giving him Birthday cake at lunch (it's his 30th Birthday so we can all point and laugh).

Date: 1st May 2016

Location: Lewknor, Oxfordshire

Classes For: Fun, Breed, Handmade CTF, Newcommers, My Little Pony and Workmanship

Entry Fees

General - £15.00

Less Than 20 Models - £10.00

Proxy - £5.00

Spectator - £2.00

If you'd like to come or would like a copy of the full schedule then please just drop me an email:

Or if you are on Facebook why not join the group here:

Schleich Advent Calendar Funs

Just like last year I'm building up a scene using the bits. Although a little harder than last year!

This year I went for the horse one, I liked the farm one but I did love the two horses in the horse one so thought I might as well go for that one. Maybe I'll go for the fairy one next year, who knows!

Anyway I haven't been updating you here are four days worth in one!

Day 1 - Introducing Mr. Hugh Grant

Day 2 - Day two were a tack set, clearly designed for the other horse (which judging by door sizes you get on the 24th). So I made Hugh wear it. He was not amused.

Day 3 - Day 3 provided us with some cute little rosettes. I decided to add a fence into the scene from my box full of Schleich stuff just so I had something to work with!

Day 4 - TODAY! So we've caught up. Today we got some boots. Definitely won't fit Hugh! So they sorta got propped in the corner as well.

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Forever Saige in the Flesh

She has arrived.

She's an interesting one. I keep looking and thinking "she isn't that bad" and then I look again and think "yea she's awful" and then change my mind again.

I do love her face though, that is definitely the nicest part about her.

Her conformation, however, not good. That neck is just insane.

I'm also confused re colour. Like what colour is she actually meant to be? Who knows. Complete mystery. This is one model that will not be getting pedigree!

Shot with flash shows up the weird white roaning? (is it roaning? who knows)

O I should probably add her name is CRS Llama Drama

Gorgeous face