
Monday, 9 February 2015


We still have a selection of ready to ship Friendship Felties who are just desperate to find a new and loving home.

Gary loves maths, he even has the symbol for Pi on his quarters! He would really like to help you do your maths homework, or the Times Killer Sudoku. He's also happy just sitting around watching Animal Planet all day if you are more into that...basically he just wants a friend.

So why not give him all the love you have to share and take him (or one of his friends) home today:

New Breyer UK 2015 Stablemates

Picture is from Pony Mag courtesy of Becky Benfield!

Look a G1 Drafter *runs around like a crazy person*

Breyer UK Models

It will be really interesting to see them at BETA and see what they are actually planning on releasing.

Here is another person's blog post about this:

Pictures of the Welsh cob show it to be Llanarth (how on Earth do you spell that model's name...) in black.

One can only presume the Shetland will be the current Shetland.

My Next Custom Batch

So I have started a few of these but it will be months before they are all done. But still it's nice to work on a few horses at once, helps with the "I really don't want to do this anymoreness"

So here are the batch:

Now the colours! All these pictures are evilly stolen by me and I should be shot at dawn for even thinking of putting them in a blog post.

Schleich Welsh - Mealy Chestnut

Mesteno Foal - Mixed Pattern
Pintaloosa - no doubt about this one!

Peter Stone - Mouse Dun

HA Foal - Mushroom

Safari Tacked Whinnie - Overo

Breyer Paddock Pal - Paint

Breyer Classic Foal - Perlino

Safari Mini Arab - Piebald

Safari Mini Percheron - Black

Schleich Shire Foal - Pinto

Hope you like my typically avent garde colour choices! Will check in in a few months when they actually have paint on them :p