
Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Lah Di Dah Live - Celebrating the Best of British

It's been so long since we've had a British Breeds live so I think it's about time we have another one!

Introducing Lah Di Dah Live - this years only 100% British Breeds only live show!

That sounds awesome I hear you say

Why yes yes it is.

Lah Di Dah Live is being run by myself (Catriona Harris) and Laura Graham

When? 18th October 2015

Where? Rothersthorpe Villiage Hall, Northamptonshire

How much? £15.00 full table

If you would like a place please email:

Payment secures place.

You can also join our awesome Facebook group here:

The Schedule



The schedule is HUGE we have individual classes for every British and Irish breed and type and loads of performance classes. But we are limiting heavily how many people can come.

Performance Class List

Division A

1.       Show Jumping
2.      Cross Country
3.      Dressage
4.      Eventing
5.      Para Equestrian
Division A Championship

Division B

6.      Ridden Horse
7.      Ridden Pony
8.      In Hand Showing - Horse
9.      In Hand Showing - Pony
10.   Sidesaddle
Division B Championship

Division C

11.    National Hunt Racing
12.   Flat Racing
13.   Polo
14.   Horseball
15.   Pony Club/Mounted Games/Gymkhana
Division C Championship

Division D

16.   Historical
17.   English Rural Scene
18.   Hunting
19.   Other Performance
20.  Scene
Division D Championship

Division E

21.   Carriage Driving (Outdoor)
22.  Carriage Driving (Indoor)
23.  Scurry Racing
24.  Team Chasing

25.  Working Hunter

In Hand Class List

Division A

1.       Cleveland Bay
2.      Dales Pony
3.      Dartmoor Pony
4.      Hackney Horse
5.      Div A Youngstock/Foals
Division A Championship

Division B

6.      Lundy Pony
7.      New Forest Pony
8.      Shire Horse
9.      Suffolk Punch
10.   Div B Youngstock/Foals
Division B Championship

Division C

11.    Thoroughbred
12.   Exmoor Pony
13.   Fell Pony
14.   Hackney Pony
15.   Div C Youngstock/Foals
Division C Championship

Division D

16.   Connemara Pony
17.   Irish Draught
18.   Irish Sport Horse
19.   Kerry Bog Pony
20.  Div D Youngstock/Foals
Division D Championship

Division E

21.   Clydesdale
22.  Eriskay Pony
23.  Highland Pony
24.  Shetland
25.  Div E Youngstock/Foals
Division E Championship

Division F

26.  Anglo-Arab
27.  British Spotted Pony
28.  British Sport Horse
29.  British Warmblood
30.  Div F Youngtock/Foals
Division F Championship

Division G

31.   Heavy Cob
32.  Light Cob
33.  Show Cob
34.  Donkey
35.  Div G Youngstock/Foals
Division G Championship

Division H

36.  Riding Pony
37.  Show Pony
38.  Large Hack
39.  Small Hack
40. Div H Youngstock/Foals
Division H Championship

Division I

41.   Light Weight Hunter
42.  Middle Weight Hunter
43.  Heavy Weight Hunter
44. Other Partbred Horse/Pony
45.  Div I Youngstock/Foals
Division I Championship

Division J

46. Welsh A
47.  Welsh B
48. Welsh C
49. Welsh D
50.  Div J Youngstock/Foals