
Thursday, 6 August 2015

Brand New Best of British Models - In the Flesh

Thank you Breyer for again creating three beautiful models, I'm not really a fan of the Highland, but I don't particularly like the Haflinger mould.

However, the other two are just gorgeous! I say two, of course I mean three, we cannot forget that adorable little Corgi.

You can order all of these gorgeous guys here:,b.html

To buy the exact models shown here you can order them here:

First up is the Irish Draught:

In the box....bit sunny today!

With a bit less glare!

No horrible plastic!

His neck and head, I've always preferred the hogged Cleveland Bay but the colour on his mane is gorgeous.

And his head!

Tail and big bum!

And more shots of his body:

And a different one in his box:

He looks kinda sad...but Breyer have really nailed the eyes!

And a third one:

Next up is the Shire and Corgi set. Why put a Shire and a Corgi together you ask? Well because they are both awesome and cute and because, why not!

In their box:

Slightly better!

No plastic! Just look at this guy! So beautiful!

Hello pretty face, look at your lovely blue ribbons!

Nice crisp white markings

Another picture of the lovely pair:

Hello cutey!

GAH! Cuteness!

His blue ribbons are just lovely

And another picture (you may have guessed I'm a little bit in love)

A different set:

And finally...the Highland Pony

In his box

I was wondering what the colour would turn out to be, definitely a cream dun

Random wonky picture

And the plastic is off! This guy has no dapples on his face, some had facey dapples. I prefer none.

Pony pony pony

Beautiful eyes!

Ooo someone has a dapply bum :p

And a dapply side!

A far more dappled variation

And that's it!

Love them? Then order them today:,b.html