
Friday, 4 December 2015

Everything Else Emerald Green Live

If your looking for a fun day out then this is definitely it!

This show is all about fun and the schedule definitely reflects that. We will also annoy Brendon by giving him Birthday cake at lunch (it's his 30th Birthday so we can all point and laugh).

Date: 1st May 2016

Location: Lewknor, Oxfordshire

Classes For: Fun, Breed, Handmade CTF, Newcommers, My Little Pony and Workmanship

Entry Fees

General - £15.00

Less Than 20 Models - £10.00

Proxy - £5.00

Spectator - £2.00

If you'd like to come or would like a copy of the full schedule then please just drop me an email:

Or if you are on Facebook why not join the group here:

Schleich Advent Calendar Funs

Just like last year I'm building up a scene using the bits. Although a little harder than last year!

This year I went for the horse one, I liked the farm one but I did love the two horses in the horse one so thought I might as well go for that one. Maybe I'll go for the fairy one next year, who knows!

Anyway I haven't been updating you here are four days worth in one!

Day 1 - Introducing Mr. Hugh Grant

Day 2 - Day two were a tack set, clearly designed for the other horse (which judging by door sizes you get on the 24th). So I made Hugh wear it. He was not amused.

Day 3 - Day 3 provided us with some cute little rosettes. I decided to add a fence into the scene from my box full of Schleich stuff just so I had something to work with!

Day 4 - TODAY! So we've caught up. Today we got some boots. Definitely won't fit Hugh! So they sorta got propped in the corner as well.