
Thursday, 31 December 2015

Calling all Authors - Articles Wanted

It's that time of year again when we start begging, pleading and generally making odd noises and facial expressions in an attempt to get you to submit articles for 2016 magazines!

There are some basic rules:

1. All articles/photos must be your own work and you must have the rights to use images.
2. Articles must be written in English, please no bad language!
3. Articles should be horse or model horse related in some way

Each magazine has a theme but they are pretty loose, so use your imagination!

February - Colours
April - Performance
June - Literature
August - Costumes
October - Vintage
December - 1980's

We always work hard to fit in every article we receive.

In return for contributing you get a free copy of the magazine and of course the chance to see your work be published!

To submit articles or for information about subscribing to our magazine please contact me at:

Thank you :D