
Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Getting Excited Now...

Just over a month to go until Crimson Coral CM Live and prizes have started to arrive!

For the Supreme Champions I wanted something different instead of trophies. They are all going to be getting model horses of course but I wanted something a bit more unique.

So a bit of eBay searching and I found a Coalport design known as 'Indian Coral' well that seemed rather appropriate!

The first piece has arrived, this should be the Reserve to Reserve Supreme Prize all being well:

Something rather different but I think that's quite nice. It will look good in a trophy/display cabinet, and once the other pieces arrive it will make a rather effective line up.

Now just waiting on everything else to arrive!

Mini Hermoza & Corozan

Yay :D My mini babies have arrived

Both are adorable, I'm a massive glossy fan so anything glossy gets a big thumbs up from me. I also love the detailing, especially on the foals eyes.

Obviously I couldn't call them Hermoza and Corozan so they've had a bit of a name change!

First up:

CRS Mesmeric Revolution (Tia)

And second:

CRS The Murders of Rue Morgue (Rue)

Aren't they just adorable together?

BreyerFest 2016 - First Models!

The first three models have been released.

First up is the Early Bird Raffle model, a Smarty Jones Polo Pony named Polomar:

Second is the Celebration horse, a new sculpture 'Imperador das Aguas JM'

And thirdly a store special, Dag Dia

And yes that is a weird hybrid Laredo and Brishen! They've taken Laredo's mane and tail and put it on Brishen, quite a cool idea when you've got two horses in the same mould.

2016 Christmas Horse - Woodland Splendor

Better pictures have emerged of this years Christmas horse.

So meet Woodland Splendor: