
Friday, 8 January 2016

More Breyer 2016 Items

I can't remember what I've posted and what I haven't...

So here are some more, you may have already seen them, you may not, who knows!

Sarah - Event Rider

Shipping set - now in a rather green shade of green, but do I detect stars as well?

Turnout set - love the horse ball!

Liverpool Jump

Cross Country Jump

Winners Circle Accessory Set - Western

Winners Circle Accessory Set - English

Horse Cruiser

There are new Horse and Foal sets this year...

This is by far my favourite one:

And some new Wind Dancers:



Competing at the Games Set

Scribbles Colour and Wash Pony

Decorate your horse - yes Breyer please, I do want to put diamontes on my horse, this is clearly a product for me!

Colour and Decorate Treasure Box - I actually love this, think I suspect I know what some of my young female relatives will be getting for Christmas next year!

Wind Dancers Surprise:

Pocket Box Dogs: