
Sunday, 6 March 2016

Health and Live Shows - Why our bodies destroy what we love...

Urgh my knees...

It is a phrase we all say so often, our backs our knackered, our knees are knackered and that three hour drive? Well that nearly killed us.

For some it is old age, for some chronic (or not chronic) health problems that slowly eat away at what we love.

When I had to give up riding horses it nearly destroyed me. But when I reached the point where I was in so much pain I would be crying on a horse, where the muscle weakness in my hands meant some days I couldn't hold the reins, I knew I had little choice.

I hardly expected that just a few years later those same problems would be destroying my ability to even show model horses.

But it is a horrible fact that many of us end up living with and do so almost silently.

For me live shows have become almost like torture. A few years ago, I'd get home, unpack the car, clean out the pigs, make dinner and watch TV.

Now I come home and go straight to bed. I will then sleep for around 24 hours+ if I can, before having around 2 days of non-activity. The pain and exhaustion is just unbearable. When I finish a days showing, I can barely stand, I often have to take very strong pain killers when home just to make life bearable.

But I'm not the only one. So why do we do it?

Well because we love it. We love the shows, the people, the fun days out. Of course we all have to manage it. For me it means making sure I have someone with me to help driving and not doing long distances. It means trying to make myself slow down a bit (not good at this) or having shows where I don't judge because I know it could mean I'm unable to drive home.

So keep showing my little potatoes...and don't worry if you need a time out :) We all love you and we all understand x

Meet Nina

I'm pretty sure I forgot to share little Nina with you guys!

Nina was bought at auction along with her mum (who is in need of TLC) and a Beswick Shire (who is up for sale on Chestnut Ridge).

She was the main reason I wanted the lot, isn't she just a cutey?

Her full name is CRS Nina Flowers