
Thursday, 5 May 2016

Red Roan Test Piece

Collector's club members have the chance to enter for this test run (if they happen to have a spare $800 lying around).

There is only one around, so you must have both spare cash and luck! But he's very pretty.

Three New Ponies

I'm soooo behind on my blogging! BAD!

Anyway I have three new arrivals that I need to share with you (obviously).

These beautiful little guys (and girl) were acquired from Donna at Didmarton last Saturday and as usual I'm so grateful that I will be giving them their forever home :)

First up was a complete surprise. Now let's get something clear, I've been with my husband nearly 10 years, never in those 10 years has he ever bought me a model horse at a live show, EVER. So this was probably such a shock I nearly collapsed.

I'm there, inspecting sales tables and *poof* he appears baring bubble wrap, inside was this beautiful little china, who I am just completely head over heels in love with.

So say hello to CRS City Scape, or Montreal to his friends

Just look at that face :D

A massive thank you to my amazing husband :)

Next up is this years AA club model, a gorgeous Venus unicorn with cat (I mean who wouldn't want that), my girl is a tiny bit different, she is a much darker dapple grey than some of the others and I just adore her!

So meet CRS Alkharif (Celia)



They talk about saving the best till last and well, I think I may have done that.

The moment Donna produced this I did a little scream (live showers will probably be aware of my OMG ITS AMAZING squeal).

It is pink.

It is a mule.

It is a unicorn.

And it has a rainbow base.

So meet CRS Cyanide Rainbow (Cyanide)

Just look at that base!

I can't wait to get my news babies out and about in the show ring.

But finally I shall leave you with a fun shot of all my muleys :)

New Custom Work

Wow it's been nearly a week since I've done a blog post of pictures of custom horses (I know how have I survived) well I better now do one.

Unfortunately yesterday there was a bit of an airbrush incident which means it is now an ex-airbrush. Replacement is on its way and hopefully I can start painting again soon. In the mean time I've got a few horses that don't need airbrushing that I can work on.

Anyway back to the newly painted horses.

First up are two pewter micros that will be joining my ever growing pewter micro herd.

CRS Delta Work (Delta)

Delta has been painted to a blue taffy or silver black

Second up is a little foaly

This is CRS Carmen Carrera (Carmen)

She has been painted to pearl

At this point I feel I should share this, this is all my pewter foals together, on my hand!

Next up is a finished sales piece

This is 'Stained Words'

She has been done to a flaxen chestnut

And she sold within 24 hours of being put up for sale!

In fact she's already on her way to her new home

And that's it for now, I'll have a few more completely soon hopefully including a new unicorn to had to my show string, but more about her in due course :)