I'm soooo behind on my blogging! BAD!
Anyway I have three new arrivals that I need to share with you (obviously).
These beautiful little guys (and girl) were acquired from Donna at Didmarton last Saturday and as usual I'm so grateful that I will be giving them their forever home :)
First up was a complete surprise. Now let's get something clear, I've been with my husband nearly 10 years, never in those 10 years has he ever bought me a model horse at a live show, EVER. So this was probably such a shock I nearly collapsed.
I'm there, inspecting sales tables and *poof* he appears baring bubble wrap, inside was this beautiful little china, who I am just completely head over heels in love with.
So say hello to CRS City Scape, or Montreal to his friends
Just look at that face :D
A massive thank you to my amazing husband :)
Next up is this years AA club model, a gorgeous Venus unicorn with cat (I mean who wouldn't want that), my girl is a tiny bit different, she is a much darker dapple grey than some of the others and I just adore her!
So meet CRS Alkharif (Celia)
They talk about saving the best till last and well, I think I may have done that.
The moment Donna produced this I did a little scream (live showers will probably be aware of my OMG ITS AMAZING squeal).
It is pink.
It is a mule.
It is a unicorn.
And it has a rainbow base.
So meet CRS Cyanide Rainbow (Cyanide)
Just look at that base!
I can't wait to get my news babies out and about in the show ring.
But finally I shall leave you with a fun shot of all my muleys :)