
Monday, 18 July 2016

Today's Fun & Games

It is day one of our BreyerFest fun and games week and we have got some awesome chances for you to win some prizes and take part in our treasure hunt.

Special Offer

Today's special offer is: Get 25% off the cheapest product in your order if you are a repeat customer

You must have previously placed an order and created an account to be classed by the system as a repeat customer (must have been placed via our new website).

Treasure Hunt

Head on over to our Facebook page to take part or use the #chestnutridgetreasurehunt

Today we are asking you to post: Your first model horse

Goody Bag

For your chance to win a goody bag head over to our Facebook page.

All you have to do is guess which three BreyerFest special runs I have on pre-order/pick ups from a USA dealer. If you aren't sure what models are available check our Breyer's website here:

O and for good measure here is the first model horse I got when I properly started collecting, Bob the Cob:

More Auction Models

I literally hate my computer right now. It died. Proper died. Hard drive is currently at a recovery place.

And of course could I remember my Google password? No of course not. So that is now changed and I am finally able to share a couple of Auction models with you!

First up a really quite nice Rain:


And a GORGEOUS Bandit! I mean this colour is just stunning:

lot 17

It's getting quite exciting as always! I'll do a few more posts throughout the day about some of the fun and games going on at Chestnut Ridge throughout the week but make sure you check out our Facebook page to keep up to date :)