
Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Chestnut Ridge Grand Photoshow 2016

Hello everyone :) This has been in the works for a while but I can finally announce the Chestnut Ridge Grand Photoshow 2016!

Grab your horses and get ready for some awesome showing fun :D

Muskateer is already practising his show look (haven't told him he can't enter yet...)

Anyway below is a copy and paste of a word document with full details on how to enter :)

Chestnut Ridge Grand Photoshow 2016
Hello and welcome to the Chestnut Ridge Grand Photoshow 2016.
This huge photoshow is open to all makes and models and is open to anyone. There are several different ways to enter, so anyone can have a go.
Make sure you read everything here and if you have any questions please just drop us an email at:

Important Dates

Opening Date: July 27th 2016
Closing Date: September 30th 2016
Entry Cost: Free*
*please note if you are entering via post there will be a fee to have your photographs returned
Maximum Number of Entries: 50
                You can enter a maximum of 50 entries. These can be spread over several classes or can be over just a few, how you use your entries is up to you.

How to Enter

Every entry must have:
                Horses Name : Breed/Performance Discipline : Finish : Gender : Owner’s Name

Via Facebook

Join the Facebook group here:
Upload each photograph into the relevant album for each class.
In the description write the Horses Name, Breed/Performance Discipline, Finish, Gender and Your Name

Via Email

Send your entries to:
Please title your email: Chestnut Ridge Grand Photoshow 2016
Please include in your email the following information for each photograph:
File Name, Horse’s Name, Breed/Performance Discipline, Finish, Gender, Section, Class Name
Please also include your name.

Via Instagram

Upload your photograph with the hashtag #chestnutridgegrandphotoshow2016
In the photograph description please write:
Horse’s Name, Breed/Performance Discipline, Finish, Gender, Your Name, Section, Class Name

Via Post

Please email for the postal address.
Please include on the back of each photograph:
Horse’s Name, Breed/Performance Discipline, Finish, Gender, Your Name, Section, Class Number
Please include your return address.
You will be responsible for return postage, you can either send this over via PayPal, send a cheque or include a stamped, addressed envelope of suitable size (please note Royal Mail size and weight restrictions).
                Just email for quotes on return postage for your pictures. You are also welcome to drop them off and collect them at live shows.

Show Rules

·         Maximum 50 entries per person
·         Entries without the required information will not be accepted
·         You must have taken the photograph yourself
·         You must own the model in the photograph
·         No digital editing of pictures
·         Entries will not be accepted in any way other than those listed above
·         Prizes are non-exchangeable
·         International entrants are responsible for postage to receive prizes
·         No more than one horse in each photograph in breed classes
·         Horses should be shown without tack in breed, headcollars or stallion sets are OK
·         The judge’s decision is final
·         Show is run under UK rules as to where horse’s should be shown, if you aren’t sure where your horse should go please just ask
·         Riders are mandatory in all performance classes with the exception of scene where not appropriate


1st – 6th place in each class will receive printable certificates
Section champions will receive rosettes
Overall Champion – Rosette & Traditional model horse
Overall Reserve Champion – Rosette & Classic model horse
Overall Reserve to Reserve Champion – Rosette & Schleich or CollectA model horse

Class List

Original Finish

1.       Arabian
2.       Thoroughbred
3.       Iberian
4.       Other European Light Horse
5.       American Quarter Horse
6.       Appaloosa
7.       Paint Horse
8.       Gaited
9.       Other American
10.   British Native Pony
11.   Other Purebred Pony
12.   UK Heavy Horse
13.   Other Heavy Horse
14.   Other Purebred Horse
15.   Partbred Pony
16.   Partbred Horse
17.   Fantasy and Decorator
18.   Donkey, Mule, Exotic
19.   Horse Youngstock
20.   Pony Youngstock

Custom Finish

21.   Arabian
22.   Thoroughbred
23.   Iberian
24.   Other European Light Horse
25.   American Quarter Horse
26.   Appaloosa
27.   Paint Horse
28.   Gaited
29.   Other American
30.   British Native Pony
31.   Other Purebred Pony
32.   UK Heavy Horse
33.   Other Heavy Horse
34.   Other Purebred Horse
35.   Partbred Pony
36.   Partbred Horse
37.   Fantasy and Decorator
38.   Donkey, Mule, Exotic
39.   Horse Youngstock
40.   Pony Youngstock

Artist Resin

41.   Arabian
42.   Thoroughbred
43.   Iberian
44.   Other European Light Horse
45.   American Quarter Horse
46.   Appaloosa
47.   Paint Horse
48.   Gaited
49.   Other American
50.   British Native Pony
51.   Other Purebred Pony
52.   UK Heavy Horse
53.   Other Heavy Horse
54.   Other Purebred Horse
55.   Partbred Pony
56.   Partbred Horse
57.   Fantasy and Decorator
58.   Donkey, Mule, Exotic
59.   Horse Youngstock
60.   Pony Youngstock


61.   Arabian
62.   Thoroughbred
63.   Iberian
64.   Other European Light Horse
65.   American Quarter Horse
66.   Appaloosa
67.   Paint Horse
68.   Gaited
69.   Other American
70.   British Native Pony
71.   Other Purebred Pony
72.   UK Heavy Horse
73.   Other Heavy Horse
74.   Other Purebred Horse
75.   Partbred Pony
76.   Partbred Horse
77.   Fantasy and Decorator
78.   Donkey, Mule, Exotic
79.   Horse Youngstock
80.   Pony Youngstock


81.   Jumping
82.   Dressage
83.   English Ridden Horse & Pony
84.   Driven
85.   Other English Performance
86.   Western Pleasure
87.   Western Trail
88.   Other Western Performance
89.   Costume
90.   Other Performance


91.   Mare and Foal
92.   Best Custom by Owner
93.   Other Animal
94.   Scene
95.   Most Unrealistic Photograph
96.   Funniest Photograph
97.   Family Group/Herd
98.   Collectability (please include information about the model)
99.   Cutest Foal
100.                       Photo edited picture

Class Explanations

Original Finish
Any model that is still in original condition and has not been altered.
Includes: Breyer, Peter Stone, Copperfox, Hartland, Commercial Resins, Commercial Chinas etc.
Custom Finish
Any model that has been altered (for example repainted)
Includes customised plastic and commercial resin and china models.
Artist Resin
Artist resins are made in limited numbers and sold blank.
Includes: Artist resin, artist china, Animal Artistry
For original finish craft, toy and foundation models.
Includes: Schleich, Papo, Bullyland, CollectA, Safari, Mini Whinnies, Julip, Equorum, Rydal, RubberNedz, Felties, My Little Ponies etc.
Purebred Arabian horses only
Purebred Thoroughbred horses only
Purebred horses from the Iberian peninsula.
Includes: Andalusian, Lipizzaner and Lusitano
Other European Light Horse
Purebred light horses from Europe
Includes: European Warmbloods, European Sport Horses, Knabstruppers, Friesians etc.
American Quarter Horse
Purebred American Quarter Horses only.
Purebred Appaloosa (breed) horses only.
Purebred Paint (breed) horses only.
Purebred naturally gaited breeds only, no Icelandic.
Includes: American Saddlebred, Tennessee Walking Horse, Missouri Fox Trotter, Peruvian Paso, Paso Fino
Other American
Purebred other American horses only (no heavy horses or ponies), includes South American.
Includes: Morgan, Mustang, Spanish Mustang, American Warmbloods &Sport Horses
British Native Pony
Includes the 13 official British Native breeds: Fell, New Forest, Highland, Shetland, Eriskay, Exmoor, Dartmoor, Connemara, Dales, Welsh A, Welsh B, Welsh C & Welsh D
Other Purebred Pony
Includes all other purebred ponies.
Includes: British Native Pony, Miniature Horse, Fjord, Icelandic, Camargue, Rocky Mountain Pony, Lundy Pony, Hackney Pony etc.
UK Heavy Horse
Includes the three UK heavy horses, Clydesdale, Suffolk Punch and Shire
Other Heavy Horse
Includes all other purebred heavy horses.
Includes: North American Spotted Draft, American Cream Draft, Belgium Draught, Percheron, Black Forest Drafter etc.
Other Purebred Horse
Includes any other purebred horse
Includes: Australian Stock Horse, Marwari
Partbred Pony
Any partbred pony under 14.2hh or pony types
Includes: Riding ponies, Polo ponies, pony cobs
Partbred Horse
Any partbred horse over 14.2hh
Includes: Partbred Arabians, Gypsy Vanners, Cobs, Riding horses, Hacks, Hunters
Fantasy and Decorator
Any unrealistic model, including unicorns, Pegasus or just decorator colours.
Donkey, Mule, Exotic
Includes all other equines including donkeys, mules, zebras and mixes.
Horse Youngstock
Includes any youngstock that will reach 14.2hh and above.
Youngstock are 3 years and under.
Pony Youngstock
Includes any youngstock that will reach under 14.2hh
Youngstock are 3 years and under

If you have any questions about where your horse should be shown please just email:

Suspended Animation

Meet the newest member of the Chestnut Ridge herd.

Suspense is a gorgeous Deb Brown custom on the new variation long mane Connemara. I've got a few OF plaited ponies but when I saw this guy he just screamed Connemara to me. It's so nice to see a proper native type long mane (although I love my little plaited hunter ponies).

Photos do not do him justice, I'm still getting used to my new camera!

Looking forward to showing him on Sunday :) He's such a little cutey pie!