
Thursday, 29 September 2016

Dove and Parrot

Apparently things are getting bird names at the moment :p

So this weekend RubberNedz numbers 11, 12 and 13 joined my herd. Well technically number 12 didn't. But he will soon.

First up is number 11, Dove is the first pinto RubberNed and my first Welsh

He has been named CRS Y Deryn Pur

That head is literally to die for!

And then someone came up and said "have you seen what Ann has for sale". I had not. I saw. I negotiated. I ooed and aaed and then 'Silver Parrot' as she was called came home with me

Now because all my RubberNedz have themed names she had to be named after a beer or ale. So she has been renamed Pandemonium, or parrot for short.

Breyer 2017 Products

I've been so distracted with BMECS I've missed sharing some of the new 2017 products that have been leaked/released/snuck out in a sneaky fashion.

First up are the Spirit range for the new series, photo credit to Kristina Lucas Francis, you can find her Facebook page here:

I've removed these photographs as the original poster was asked to remove them. You can still find them in various places on the internet if you search.

Next up we have Hwin, the first RR release on the Saige mould. I love this colour as well, this mould definitely looks nicer in colours other than green.

Secondly there are some new America Wild Mustangs sets

I just love Amelie in this colour

And finally the New Beginnings set, there are definitely better pictures out there but I couldn't find them, so just went with an image from eBay I'm afraid!