
Friday, 14 April 2017

Three New Ponies

I'm so behind with everything I have about a month's worth of new arrivals to share.

Which is the grand total of three horses :p

First up is CRS Solbrent Kysse (Kysse) who was a "you really need to stop being so depressed" gift from Brendon

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Isn't she the cutest thing?

Next up is CRS Jungle Cat aka Jungle. Jungle was a "I really can't afford this will you please do a trade" horse :p She is painted by the wonderful Clare Stokes and is shockingly my first ever Bobby Jo custom!

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And finally is CRS Zorro the Avenger aka Rock N' Roll Forever, who was a "I feel so ill I'm going to die" present to myself at Llandegla live

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I'm still waiting on my vintage club Sham, he has now been chased up and I've been promised he is on his this rate the Croi will arrive before him!


The Valegro has been announced! And the grey colour is gorgeous.

But....leg barring! Why with the leg bars on the greys? Drives me nuts...
