
Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Rug & Browband

I really must get my sewing machine and learn how to use it! I'd love to be able to make decent rugs and not have to hand stitch. But you know what they say, practice makes perfect!

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I do love the colours on this though, despite the awful stitching

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I also had a go at making a clincher browband, need to work out how to make this neater and also how to indent the clinchers into the browband

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Model of the Day - Ronny

Our model of the day today is CRS Under the Net aka Ronny.

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Name: Ronny
Show Name: CRS Under the Net
Breed: Gypsy Vanner
Colour: Buckskin
Gender: Stallion
Scale: Classic
Manufacturer: Breyer
Artist: Deborah Brown
Mould: Shire A
Year Painted: 2015
Face Markings: White Stripe
Leg Markings: None
Sire: None
Dam: None
Unique ID Code: 690
Best Live Show Placing: Small Section Reserve to Reserve Champion