
Thursday, 31 August 2017

Win a Breyer Banks Vanilla

This month's celebration give away Breyer is....Banks Vanilla!

This beautiful grey model on the Croi mould is just stunning, and you could get your paws on one for free!

To win all you need to do is check out this Facebook post here:


Tempest Shadow

A new Build a Bear My Little Pony has been released...just in time for the movie (WHO IS AS EXCITED AS I AM I AM SO EXCITED).

Anyway just check out Tempest Shadow:

She is £21.50 and available on their website now:

O and for those thinking "seriously I wish she would keep her my little pony obsession away from her model horse blog" I am taking two My Little Pony Build a Bears to BMECS this year so they COUNT AS MODEL HORSES NOW.