
Thursday, 18 January 2018

Stablemate Mystery Horses - In the Flesh

So you've seen my excitement as I opened my box but here are the images of my new babies in the flesh.

1. CRS True Life Adventures (Tru)

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This is the 'chase' model. One in four boxes has this horse.

2. CRS Ride a Wild Pony (Pony)

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3. CRS No Deposit, No Return (Depo)

Image may contain: horse

4. CRS Treasure of Matecumbe (Matecumbe)

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5. CRS Gus (Gus)

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6. CRS The Shaggy D.A. (Shaggy)

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7. CRS Freaky Friday (Friday)

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8. CRS Escape from the Dark (Escalope)

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9. CRS The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (Winnie)

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Breyer Mystery Stablemates - Opening a Whole Box

Individual photos will be coming soon but I hope you enjoy this opening video :)