
Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Model of the Day - Auston

Our model of the day today is one of my G2 Appaloosa conga, meet Auston the pretty dun frosted hip Appaloosa.

Image may contain: horse

Name: Auston
Show Name: CRS US Government
Breed: Appaloosa
Colour: Dun Frosted Hip Spotted
Gender: Gelding
Scale: Stablemate
Manufacturer: Breyer
Model Number: 701706
Model Name: Miniature Connoisseur Collection
Mould: G2 Appaloosa
Year Produced: 2006
Face Markings: Star & Snip
Leg Markings: 3x White Socks
Finish: Matte
Sire: None
Dam: None
Unique ID Code: 605
Best Live Show Placing: Small Section Champion

Monthly Roundup

I can't quite believe it is the end of January already, that is a really scary thought so I felt it was time for a monthly roundup of the things we've done this month and the things we've learned.

So what have I learned this month?

Well firstly hitting your head hurts. Secondly don't drive having hit your head because that will end up with your car in the garage which is not convenient or helpful.

We have also learned that deciding to do the entire 2018 catalogue with a head injury will result in a two day long migraine and a lot of crying. Seriously. Stop with the self destructive behaviour!

But we have also learned that this year is all about unicorns (a trend I am completely on board with) and that sometimes you just have to do what is best for you :)

We have also learned that colour shift paints need a gloss sealant and that I get very obsessed with sparkly things!

What have we done this month?

Well I've completed all of two customs, both decorators. But I suppose that is something at least! I have also nearly finished a couple of commissions, I just need to make some adjustments to them.

We have finished our 2018 catalogue and that has arrived today *excitement* so that is a massive plus despite the migraine!

I have started the scene entry I was meant to do last year, I hoped I would have it finished by the end of January but that is clearly not going to happen! My next target is to have it done in time for the CF Gloucestershire tour day so I can actually show it. No pics until it is done I'm afraid, I like to keep these things a surprise!

I've also completely revamped the website (you probably haven't even noticed this) but it's something!

I've done 22 Blog posts (excluding this one)
I've done 88 Instagram posts
I've done 92 Facebook posts
I've done 2 YouTube videos

My top liked Instagram image was this one:

Our most popular Facebook post was our 30 Day Photo Challenge:

And our most read Blog post was this one:

O and our most watched YouTube video (out of the two I did...) was this one:

What have we got in stock this month?

Well mainly 2018 Breyers, although not a massive selection. But we absolutely love the ones we have got. My favourite? Has to be the Wild at Heart set and that isn't just because it has a G2 Appaloosa in it! I love the colour of each of the models in this set and think it would look really really nice on my shelves :p

But we've also had a restock on some Breyer items, mainly Traditional tack and accessories so that is nice :) And that's about it I'm afraid, February is going to be busy though!

What have I bought this month?

Well I got a very nice Deb Brown custom and a gorgeous BreyerFest volunteer model. Both very pricey but totally worth it. I can't wait to get Pantaloon out onto the show circuit!

Of course getting the copper Django in my mystery Stablemate box was definitely another highlight!

Image may contain: one or more people

So what have you enjoyed about this month? Which was your favourite blog post? What do you want to see more of? What is the coolest model horse you got? I need to know these things so definitely tell me!

Latest Breyer Delivery

Yesterday we received a small Breyer delivery, just a restock on a few items including a couple of 2018 ones.

Here is what we received:


Dog House Play Set
Price: £14.99

Dressage Bridle
Price: £8.75

English Show Bridle
Price: £8.75

Devon Hunt Seat Saddle
Price: £15.95

Stoneleigh II Dressage Saddle
Price: £15.95

English Accessory Set
Price: £18.95

Stable Feed Set
Price: £20.95

Stable Cleaning Set
Price: £20.95

Price: £39.99

Price: £39.99


Stable Cleaning Set
Price: £13.95


Wild at Heart
Price: £14.99

Paint & Play
Price: £4.50 each (four different variations)