
Friday, 2 February 2018

Articles Wanted!

We have space for a few more articles in February's magazine.

The theme of the magazine is 'Cross Country'

The articles can be any length and can be on anything to do with real or model horses that fit within the theme. We also welcome live show reports from around the world even if they don't fit within the theme.

The work must be your own and any images you submit with your article must be your own. If you don't have suitable images don't worry we can source these for you.

All those who submit articles get a free copy of the magazine (printed) and free advertising.

All articles should be submitted to by the 14th February 2018.

Thank you in advance :)

Image result for cross country horse

Model Horse Glossary

I get asked lots of questions about what certain words mean so I thought as well as having one on the website I would do a whole Blog post glossary! I shall try and pin it to the right hand side of the page as well.

I've organised it a bit as well, but you can use CTRL + F to search for a particular word or abbreviation.

I've probably forgotten loads of things! If I have let me know and I'll add it. I've added a few things in italics underneath where it's a question I answer a lot...

Words & Terms

Artist China - Limited run model horses, sculpted by an artist and cast in china. Usually produced to order in custom colours (see 'custom glazed china')

Artist Pewter - Limited run model horses, sculpted by an artist and cast in pewter. They are usually sold unpainted and are commonly very small in size.

Artist Resin - Limited run model horses, sculpted by an artist and cast in resin. They are usually sold unpainted.

Commercial or artist resin?

Artist resins are normally produced in limited runs and sold blank, they are different from commercial resins such as Northlights that are sold in open runs (although you may still find limited editions) and painted in one colour per run and sold painted.

Bendy CTF - These are CTF models that are bendy, usually made from latex or rubber. Common brands included would be Julips, Equorums, RubberNedz and Rydals.

Body - A poor quality model horse that is only good for customising.

BreyerFest - This is an annual model horse convention hosted by Breyer and held in Kentucky in the USA.

Classic - This term is used to refer to model horses produced in approximately 1:12 scale. It is worth nothing that Breyer Classics are slightly larger than true (or dollshouse) 1:12 scale.

Commercial China - Commercial china model horses are china models produced commercially. They are usually produced in a factory in an open run in a certain colour.

Commercial Resin - Commercial resin model horses are resin models produced commercially i.e. in a factory. Usually produced in open runs in a certain colour.

Condition - This refers to the quality of the model e.g. "What condition is it in?" "Very poor, it has lots of rubs"

Conga - A collection of several models on the same mould.

Craft, Toy, Foundation (CTF) - A term almost unique to the UK. This refers to models that are either made by craft (e.g. felties) are produced as toys (e.g. Schleich) or are foundation or starter models (e.g. Julips). Includes Schleich, CollectA, Safari, Papo, Felties, Handmade Fimo sculpts, RubberNedz, Rydals, Julips, Equorums, Breyer Mini Whinnies, My Little Ponies and other similar models.

Custom - This is a model that has been altered in some way from it's original state. This could be from repainting or more drastic work such as resculpting or rehairing.

Custom Glazed China - China models that have been produced in a specific colour as a one off.

Customising/Customizing - This refers to the process of changing a model horse in some way such as by repainting, resculpting or hairing.

Drastic Custom - This is a model that is no longer recognisable (or it would be hard to do so) from the original mould. This usually involves a large amount of resculpting and repositioning work.

Etchie - A model that has been etched.

Etching - Etching involves carefully removing paintwork from a model with something such as a blade to reveal the white plastic underneath.

Factory Finish - This is a model that is in the same state as when it left the factory. Often used interchangeably with 'original finish'.

Glossed - A model with a shiny finish

Littlebit - 1:24 scale model horses

Live Show - A show where models are judged in person, usually involve several hobby members travelling to a venue to show their models.

Live Show Quality (LSQ) - A very contentious term! A model that is live show quality should be in perfect condition with no obvious marks that would affect it's showing ability. If custom painted it should also have a high quality realistic finish.

Mint In Box - A model that is mint in box has never been removed from it's original packaging. The packaging and model should be in good condition (as far as can be ascertained without removal)

Mohair - A type of natural hair used to hair model horses

Micro Mini/Mini Whinnie/Miniature - All terms used to refer to models that are produced in approximately 1:64 scale. Models may be slightly larger or smaller but should never be as big as Stablemate scale.

North American Nationals (NAN) - This is the USA qualifying live show.

Original Finish - Models that have not been altered in any way and are in the same state as when they left the factory

Paddock Pal - Usually used to describe models that are around 1:18-1:24 scale including Breyer Paddock Pals, Schleich and CollectA

Plastic CTF - This refers to commercial reduced CTF models that are made from plastic. Would include brands such as Schleich, CollectA, Breyer Mini Whinnies, Safari and Papo.

Photoshow Quality - Models that are photo show quality should be good enough to photoshow. They may have rubs or marks on their off side that are not visible in the photograph.

Performance - Performance refers to adding tack and riders to create a set up. In the UK it is mandatory to have a rider/handler unless this would be inappropriate (e.g. a scene of wild horses)

Prefix - A prefix is something added to a model horse's show name to signify the owner/stud/stables. For example my prefix is CRS, so all my horse's show names start with CRS e.g. CRS I Am Spartacus.

Repainted - A model that has been painted a different colour

Resculpted - A model that has been altered in some way. Anything from minor work such as a new mane to major drastic customisation.

Regular Run - A model that is produced in an open run and is not limited or exclusive to a particular dealer/event.

Stablemate - Models that are approximately 1:32 scale

Special Run - A model that is limited to a certain number or a particular retailer/event

Suffix - A suffix is something added to the end of a model horse's show name to signify the owner/stud/stables. Not as common as using prefixes.

Traditional - 1:9 scale model horses

Unpainted - Model is being sold blank and has not been painted

Vintage - An older model, there is debate about what constitutes vintage but pre-1990 seems to be a common usage currently.


AC - Artist china

AQH - American Quarter Horse

AR - Artist Resin

BNIB - Brand new in box

CCR - Commercial resin & china

CF - Copperfox

CHIN - Clarion hotel near BreyerFest

CM - Custom

CR - Chestnut Ridge

CTF - Craft, Toy, Foundation (same as CFT)

IDYB - Identify Your Breyer

ISH - Ideal stock horse or Irish Sport Horse (depends on context)

FAF - Family Arab Foal

FAM - Family Arab Mare

FAS - Family Arab Stallion

JAH - Just About Horses

LSQ - Live show quality

MH$P (MHSP) - Model horse sales pages (

MIB - Mint in box

MHL - Model Horse Love (

MW - Mini Whinnie

NaMoPaiMo - National Model Horse Painting Month

NAN - North American Nationals

OF - Original finish

OOAK - One of a Kind

PAF - Proud Arab Foal

PAM - Proud Arab Mare

PAS - Proud Arab Stallion

PS - Peter Stone

PSA - Peter Stone Arabian

PSQ - Photoshow Quality

SM - Stablemate

SR - Special Run

TB - Thoroughbred

Brands & Makes

Animal Artistry - Brand of resin and china model horses made by Donna Chaney. You can find their website here:

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Breyer - An American brand of model horses produced mainly in plastic. Their website can be found here:

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CollectA - A brand of toys that specialise in the educational and realistic aspect of the creatures they produce including horses. Their website can be found at:

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Copperfox - A UK brand of model horses produced in plastic and specialising in British breeds. Their website can be found at:

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Horsing Around - A UK model horse company that produces artist resin and china sculptures. They also produce a variety of hobby supplies. Their website can be found at:

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Peter Stone - An American company producing plastic model horses. Their website can be found at

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RubberNedz - A UK brand of model horses produced in rubber and made by Donna Chaney of Animal Artistry. You can view their website here:

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Schleich - A German based brand of toys producing horses as well as lots of other figures. Their website can be found at:

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Model of the Day - Blastoise

Our model of the day today is CRS Iron Defence aka Blastoise

I won this little cutey at Inspirations Live in 2016

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Name: Blastoise
Show Name: CRS Iron Defence
Breed: Zebra
Colour: Golden
Gender: Mare
Scale: Miniature
Face Markings: None
Leg Markings: None
Sire: None
Dam: None
Unique ID Code: 521
Best Live Show Placing: None