
Thursday, 22 February 2018

Dionysus - 2018 NaMoPaiMo Horse

I did it! I finished him off quite late last night and I'm so happy with him :)

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He's the AA Carousel Horse, I bought him from Donna's box at a show last year.

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I added the pole myself, it's just a perspex rod with a bit of epoxy putty to give it some detail

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His base colour is palomino, done in airbrushed acrylics with pastelling and hand painted details.

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The costume has been done in three shades of hand painted purple, including a nice metallic one for the blanket

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The detailing was done in metallic gold

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He is then finished off with Swarovski crystals

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I have named him Dionysus, I wanted to go with Midas but as you guys know I already have a Midas, so I went with the next best thing :p

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I'm so happy with this one, it is so nice to paint something for yourself that you love

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