
Thursday, 15 March 2018


Yesterday on question day someone asked 'Why did you set up your Blog?'

Well that is a good question!

I can't really remember the real reason, the Blog was set up in October 2011. Initially it was just a way of expressing my own views on the model horse hobby.

But swiftly it started to include model horse news, pictures of customs and tack I had made and lots of pictures of my own models. Of course as soon as the show season started I started to add lots of live show posts.

So when Chestnut Ridge grew in 2015 the Blog was already established with a lot of followers. For the last 3 years many people had been reading it with eagerness. It only made sense to use it to announce news about Chestnut Ridge and lots of lovely pictures of the items we stock.

So now it has a huge variety of posts.

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It of course still has posts that express my own views, but they tend to be more light hearted and fun.

There are still lots of tutorials, tips and tricks as well as good reference pictures I have found.

As you guys know there are also lots of pics of customs and tack I have made.

And then there is much much model horse spam with lots of lovely pics of my own model horses.

Lots of model horse news (I love sharing pics of new models)

And as many live show pictures and reports as you could want!

And finally of course all the Chestnut Ridge news, from new orders, to updates to everything else we want to communicate including loads of new competitions.

So the question is what else could we put here? I'm not really sure there is anything else! But if you have any suggestions let me know! I'm always up for new ideas about Blog posts or things we can add :D