
Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Resculpted Paso Fino

Last summer I decided to turn my hand at sculpting, as loyal followers will no this does not lie within my 'strengths' area of my SWAT analysis...

Anyway I added a longer mane to this little Paso Fino Stablemate, I was quite happy with how she turned out, it was far from perfect but still, a nice change.

Well yesterday I FINALLY finished painting her. She was originally going to be bay but sorta decided she would rather be chestnut instead. So here she is, in a very rich red chestnut:

Image may contain: horse

And here is the other side with the new mane

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It is definitely a very full mane! But it doesn't look awful so I'm happy :p

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I do like the colour though, it's a really nice deep shade. It really suits the mould. Also I am liking my new sealant, it gives a very slight shine which just makes their coats look rich and well groomed, that show ring shine!

I shall have to start turning my hands at more manes, a project for after I move house I think!

BreyerFest Sneak Peak

Oooo look at the cool design on the decorator!


What mould will it be though?!?!?