
Sunday, 5 April 2020

Tack Making Again

OK so I'm not taking part in Tack Making Month because I didn't quite expect to be on lockdown and therefore did not prepare a project, supplies or application.

However, I am getting into the spirit by making my first pieces of tack in over a year. I decided, for funs, that I would work through my Tack Making Guide that has been sat, unopened, on my desk for many moons.

The beginning starts with halters, so I'm making halters following their patterns and designs rather than my own. It's quite fun following a tutorial and not just doing my own thing!

The first is a simple brown leather headcollar with gold hardware:

The second is natural leather and bigger than the last one. It has more buckles. It was meant to have a lead with a chain but I didn't realise that so it got the same lead as the other one!

I'm currently also working on a headcollar with sheepskin padding. Hoping to have that finished by today! Although I'm not sure it's really sheepskin weather anymore!