
Sunday, 12 April 2020

30 Day Themed Photo Challenge

I've been doing this for two days now and it is great fun!

Basically you upload a photo for each 'theme' everyday. You can do it on Instagram with #30daythemedphotochallenge or you can do it on Facebook, it's entirely up to you!

As we go through the days I'll upload my pictures here. Keep checking back for updates! If you are doing it let me know where so I can see your images too :D

The full list is below:

Day 1 - Beauty

CRS You're Beautiful (aka Beauty)

Day 2 - Simplicity

No photo description available.

CRS Fierce Wound (Schleich English Thoroughbred Stallion in Black & White)

Day 3 - Power

CRS The Terminator (a slightly scary looking knight and horse)

Day 4 - Tradition
Day 5 - Chaos
Day 6 - Order
Day 7 - Destruction
Day 8 - The Circle of Life
Day 9 - Age
Day 10 - Companionship
Day 11 - Salvatoin
Day 12 - Convention
Day 13 - Rebellion
Day 14 - Darkness
Day 15 - Light
Day 16 - Tragedy
Day 18 - Escape
Day 19 - Dreams
Day 20 - Displacement
Day 21 - Empowerment
Day 22 - Emptiness
Day 23 - Falsehood
Day 24 - Everlasting Love
Day 25 - Evil
Day 26 - Reality
Day 27 - Fading
Day 28 - Faith
Day 29 - Doubt
Day 30 - Family