
Friday, 22 January 2021

BreyerFest 'Single Day' Stablemates

 I just realised that I've never updated you guys with the 'single day' Stablemates. This year there are no single day tickets this year however, the little Stablemates are still available. You get the full set as part of your VIP ticket and there are also various options to purchase them as well (although they are very limited).

Did you get picked for a VIP ticket? Let me know below!

I absolutely LOVE decorators as you guys know so you can imagine my excitement at receiving news that ALL the single day Stablemates this year are decorators! My favourite has to be the purple Fjord, Avant Garde, I desperately need him in my life.

So here they are in all their glory:




Avant Garde:

Which is your favourite? Make sure to let me know below!

More information about BreyerFest and the different ticket options can be found here: