
Sunday, 24 January 2021

Ponies in the Snow

 This is the first time in so long that I've been able to actually enjoy the snow! No having to go to work, no having to go and do horses, no shovelling to get out, just SNOW!!!

And what is more fun on a snow day than heading out and getting some snow pics of your models? NOTHING. So I unpacked two boxes of random models and headed out to get some snow pics.

I'm really lucky that my garden is on a hill. Because of this there are lots of steps and levels. This means that I can pop a model horse on a step and then kneel on a plastic bag to get a decent shot, I don't have to lie in the snow (that is not fun).

The key for decent snow pics is to get the snow reasonably flat without having foot prints (or boot tread) making it look unrealistic. My technique to solve that was to use the base from Poltergeist to squash the snow down. It worked quite well!

Here are some of my favourites. I did have a few hiccups, like the sun coming out and being super bright, my camera lens steaming up and having to go inside for cleaning and one model doing a front flip and chipping the paint off her ear *cries*

CRS Stromboli (Dead Heat)

BreyerFest Special Run - Dead Heat

CRS Fountain of Youth (Fontana)
BreyerWest Special Run (now with chipped ear)!

CRS Spider Paint (Isadora Cruce)
Breyer Isadora Cruce

CRS Monopoly Tycoon (Bet Yer Blue Boons)
Breyer Bet Yer Blue Boons

CRS Donald Trump (Griffin)
Breyer Web Special 'Griffin'

CRS In Search of Castaways (Triton)
Breyer Web Special 'Triton'

CRS Etna (Born to Run)
BreyerFest Special Run Born to Run

CRS Stirges (Van Gogh)
Breyer Van Gogh

CRS Jimbo Jones (Jimbo)
Breyer Four Piece Gift Pack G2 Andalusian

CRS Snowy Joey (Joey)
Breyer Circus Play Set G2 Andalusian

CRS Romans 10:13 (Greyson)
Breyer Greyson

CRS One of the Dinosaurs is Missing (Dinosaur)
Breyer Mini True North

CRS The Black Prince (Edward)
Breyer Stablemates 4-Piece Gift Collection G3 Rearing Andalusian

When I was done I thought it would be great fun to create a walking on water shot by putting someone on the frozen pond. Poor Claude!

I pushed him further out so I could get down and get a decent ground level shot...

...but the ice wasn't as deep as I thought it was and he nearly sunk in!!!

I then forgot I had put him in my pocket and carried him around for ages, the poor thing!

I hope you also enjoyed heading out and getting some pics of your models in the snow, it is just perfect for model horse photography :D