
Friday, 29 January 2021

BreyerFest 2021 Ticket Sales Update

 If like me you missed out on the chance to get a VIP ticket you are probably eagerly (and nervously) awaiting Monday so that you can *try* and get your paws on one (if I don't manage to get one I'll genuinely cry).

One of my biggest concerns was that I'll be at work all day Monday and I can hardly refresh the Breyer website every two seconds and teach a load of students about duty of care under negligence law! So I was going to have to get Brendon to sit and do it for me, and as we know, he is less than reliable when it comes to these things.

Yesterday Breyer answered some FAQs on their website and it comes with good news!

Firstly the tickets will go on sale at around 1pm Eastern Standard Time. If, like me you are in GMT that is about 6pm, so long after I finish work. That means I can finish for the day, get my marking done and then get my laptop reading for NINJA REFRESH.

All these updates can be found here: 

A lot of people were also concerned about people who already had VIP tickets buying more. Thankfully Breyer have clarified that you cannot do that and it is one per household, so that is also a relief for those of us worried that we may miss out!

My final concern is PayPal double authentication. This is a fun new thing they've implemented whereby EVERY SINGLE TIME I try to access my PayPal account they send me a code that takes about 10 minutes to arrive by text message. Such fun. So to deal with this I've just saved my card on Google Chrome and then will just need to type the CVC number! That should hopefully speed things up.

I am going to be super anxious on Monday, I'm desperate for a VIP ticket and really hope I don't miss out due to dodgy internet!

Good luck to the rest of you who are trying to get tickets on Monday. May the model horse gods forever be in your favour.

All I care about in life is getting Pollock! I NEED THIS HORSE. I WILL SELL MY KIDNEYS FOR THIS HORSE.