
Friday, 5 February 2021

NaMoPaiMo Painting Parties

 This month we are holding four online model horse events (all through Zoom):

Friday 5th February 7pm: Pub Quiz

Saturday 6th February 11am - 16.00 (drop in & out): NaMoPaiMo Painting Party #1 

Saturday 13th February 11am - 16:00 (drop in & out): NaMoPaiMo Painting Party #2

Saturday 26th February 11am-15:00 (drop in & out): Breyer Bootcamp Social & Crafting! 

This post is specifically about the NaMoPaiMo parties but if you want any information about any of the others just use the contact details below!

How To Get Involved

To get involved you will need the Zoom login details.

You can get these by emailing me at: 

You can also join the Facebook group here:*

*You will still need the login details so just drop me a PM or email me for them!

If you have attended our Pub Quizzes before and have the Zoom login then you are good to go! I will be using the same one for everything.

What will Happen?

During the parties we basically just sit around and paint! We can chat, share tips and tricks or just be together. You can drop in and out at anytime, I will be online all day but might occasionally be away for a few minutes to get a drink or visit the bathroom!

I also recommend that you try and do something to celebrate, such as bake a cake! I was going to bake one but I'm having a no sugar month so I can't :( (every time I try and do sugar free cakes they end up being complete disasters)

Feel free to decorate your room or wear a special t-shirt or anything to celebrate :)

You do not have to work on your NaMo pony to take part, you don't even really have to be doing NaMoPaiMo! It is just a chance to hang out together. I plan to spend the day working on several different horses (I don't have any decent sealant at the moment so may not be able to do my NaMo horse anyway)!

Help! I've Never Used Zoom Before!

Do not fret!

First you will need to go to: 

Then click "join a meeting"

Then enter the meeting code and password (you will need to email me for these)

If you want to speak you will need a microphone (your phone will have this, or a laptop). You may also want to turn on your camera, again your phone should have one, but most computers and laptops have inbuilt web cams as well.

You can use the 'chat' function to talk if you don't have a microphone!

I may occasionally mute people if they are making loads of noise (e.g. kids or pets running in). Please make sure to mute yourself if you are using anything like a compressor for an airbrush or a dremel! 

Is there a cost?

Nope! Totally free and open to anyone :)

If you have any questions just email me at I look forward to seeing you there :D

My 2021 NaMoPaiMo Project