
Sunday, 7 February 2021

BreyerFest Tickets :D

 I've been so busy this week, sharing this and sharing that I completely forgot to update you guys on my BreyerFest ticket purchases!

As I'm sure you all know BF tickets went on sale last Monday. You can still buy certain types of tickets here:

So last Monday I finished work and then got some jobs done, and then I loaded up Chrome with just the Breyer website open. I then just refreshed, and refreshed, and refreshed. I knew where the link would appear so the moment I saw it I clicked, clicked VIP and checked out like a ninja.

Well the model horse gods must have been shining on me because I managed to get VIP tickets! They sold out within two minutes and literally hundreds of people tried to get the 200 tickets, so to be able to get it was a real joy. I was just so happy I nearly cried.

I then added an all access ticket so that I could try and get Brendon his bull.

On Wednesday I got the chance to purchase my models. So who did I buy? Well no real surprises here!

Special Runs

Pollock was my obvious first choice!

And how could I not get a Seven Arts Surprise :D

Limited Editions

Favrille was another obvious choice for someone who can never have enough decorators!

The only model that wasn't an open run was Prisma. As I have a very close hobby friend who collects Sherman Morgans I chose to use my second slot to make sure she got one, she deserves it :)

I will also get Josie at BreyerFest, I'm not bothered about waiting for her so I didn't want to waste a slot. For my All Access ticket this is my preference list:

1. Knossos
2. 7 Arts Surprise
3. Gran Cavallo
4. Ansel
5. Uffington
6. Pech Merle
7. Tassili
8. Seurat

Although the later ones might switch around again before I pick, what I really need is that bull! Or I'll have a super unhappy husband!

Let me know if you managed to get tickets below :D I would love to know who you are planning on purchasing.

I'm so excited :D