
Tuesday, 13 September 2022

General Updates

 Hello everyone :)

I thought I would do a quick post to update everyone on what is happening here at Chestnut Ridge and how your orders/prizes are getting along.

Choose the Colour Horses

Work has started on all of the Choose the Colour Auction horses. They are all at various stages of completion, some are nearly done whilst others only have base coats.

If you are attending BMECS and have one of these horses, please let me know so I can prioritise yours to get finished by then!

This guy is so very pink! But don't worry he will get darker.

Grand Photoshow Judging

This is ongoing, the only sections left to finish are Original Finish, Performance and Workmanship. With hundreds of entries per class this has been a really long process but we are slowly getting there.

If you login to your OMHPS account you will receive notifications about your winnings.

You can also click on your username in the top right corner and then click 'Show Results' to view all your results.

Below is a bit of an insight into the entry numbers for some classes!

Recycled Live V

Preparation is underway for Recycled Live V. BMECS qualification has been approved and I am starting to acquire raffle prizes.

If you would like to send a raffle prize for the show please let me know.

We also could do with more 1st-3rd place certificates (lower placings are not needed). Again let me know if you'd like to donate some of these!


As always we will be running BMECS fun week in the run up to BMECS 2022. There will be five chances to win goody bags, free gifts at the show and the chance to win prizes for completing BMECS Bingo!

If you've got any suggestions for things you would like to be included in BMECS Bingo then just shout :D