
Saturday, 30 September 2023

Photoshow Champion Roundup

 It has been quite some time since I have shared photoshow champions with you! So I thought I would round up the champions from the last six months.

All of these photos were champions in Popular Votes Photoshows. This is a Facebook group that is open to all where we run free small photoshows each month. Each show has a different theme and the winners are chosen by the group members. It is good fun and easy and quick to do. There is a rosette for each champion.

April 2023 - Other Performance

May 2023 - Northlight

June 2023 - American Quarter Horse

July 2023 - Palomino

August 2023 - Bucking

September 2023 - Warmblood & Sport Horse

If you are feeling inspired and want to take part in the shows visit the Facebook group here:

October's show is for micros :)

Tuesday, 26 September 2023


Why is it that every year I am not in the Vintage Club the models they produce are just gorgeous? And of course they've gone and released a Silver!

This gorgeous Silver is this year's "new mould, old colour" offering. Incidentally if I had a pound for everytime someone said ThAt'S nOt A vInTaGe MoDeL on my posts about Vintage Club releases I would probably have enough money to join the Vintage Club each year.

He's a Gambler's Choice and comes in four vintage colours.

My personal favourite is definitely the light bay, I have always loved that colour (and of course he is glossy as well). The palomino is also beautiful.

O and not only that if you complete your final purchase you'll get this year's free Stablemate which is a super cute little Lipizzan!

He comes with a super cute little box that mirrors the Vintage Lipizzan model

Tuesday, 19 September 2023

Ten Inspirational Quotes that Model Horse Hobbyists Should *maybe* Follow

 Do I spend too much on Inspirobot making stupid inspirational quotes? Definitely. Am I going to share these with you and pretend it makes any sense? Of course. Should I just use AI to write pointless blog posts instead of this none stop endless mad ravings that I subject you to? Probably.

1. Try to ask about prejudice

Go on. Do it. Go onto ModelHolics and ask about prejudice. I dare you.

2. Rule 8: Always let democracy get in the way of your thoughts

Like a model? Want to paint a horse a particular colour? DON'T DO IT! You should only go with what other people like and definitely should not have your own tastes and personality

3. Manipulate the working class

Got lots of prepping to do and can't be bothered? Need to pack for your next show? Make the working class do it!

4. Every time you fight success, you also fight souls

Just to be clear to be a successful artist in this hobby you actually need at least 12 souls. I don't make the rules, I just share them.

5. Make up new facts and kick ass and chew bubblegum

Got a model in a particular colour that doesn't suit the conformation of the breed the mould is sculpted after? Easy solve! Just lie on your breed reference, at the end of the day, none of this is real.

6. Kindness is to transcend the untranscendable

Did you know that it is actually impossible for this hobby not to have drama for a single day? Like literally IMPOSSIBLE. I think the world ends or something.

7. One way to define personal growth is goofing around to prove a point

Why does this actually make sense? If you want to improve you just need to mess around until you find something that works. Have fun. Make a point. Make something new. I dunno, just do something.

8. Scented candles are the parasites of sadness

It is actually a fact that if you are sad you can make yourself happy by covering a Breyer in essential oils and setting it on fire. You could also die, but like you can't be sad if you're dead right?

Disclaimer: Please don't actually do this and sue me, if you do you're an idiot and it's your own fault.

9. An apology is in many ways an opportunity reborn

Did you know if you scam people in this hobby you can just create a new Facebook account, pretend you're someone else and get away with doing it again?

10. Inspiration concerns all of us

We are all concerned about what you are doing. Why are you doing that? Why are you sticking a capybara on the back of an Arab? Like why? What are you doing? 

Wednesday, 6 September 2023


 I finished this guy ages ago but apparently I didn't catalogue him or upload his pictures to the internet? I did with Susan but apparently Pinho was just rejected, poor little pony.

CRS Pinho Polido is a Mathilde resin by Leah Peretz and has been painted to a lovely buckskin pinto. I did her little base in a bronzy goldey colour which is nice and metallic.

Tuesday, 5 September 2023

BreyerFest 2023 - Haul

 I didn't do an unboxing video this year because I unpacked my models in the car on the way to Sussex for a family wedding (as you do). So instead you'll just have to put up with photographs of all the models and their equally bizarre names

Brendon is VERY upset that I have been incorrectly using colour names recently. He is particularly annoyed by a red rabbit called Plump Purple. As a result I am doing this deliberately to annoy him. So enjoy :)

CRS Neigh Neigh (Whip)

CRS B'dazzled Blue (Maggie)

CRS Lavender Blush (Handsome)

CRS Fiery Rose (Cyclone)

CRS Cyclonic Storm (Cyclonic)
These two were so different that I decided to keep both of them, you can clearly see the contrast in these photos, one is so light and one so dark!

CRS Old Silver (Valentina)

CRS Maastricht (Keane)

CRS Turkish Rose (Jag)

CRS Bluebonnet (Starstruck)

CRS Pink Sherbet (Meteor)

CRS Vivid Orchid (Nebula)
This is the chase piece for the unicorn set, I absolutely love the green it's such a lovely shade

CRS Maximum Purple (Sunspot)

CRS Waterspout (Stargazer)

CRS Misty Rose (Stellar)

CRS Keppel (Moonlit)

CRS Jonquil (Jonquil)

CRS Feldgrau (Feldgrau)

CRS Azure Mist (Azure)

CRS Rosso Corsa (Rosso)

CRS Cinnabar (Cinnabar)

CRS Bittersweet Llament (Bitter)
I am rather proud of this name if I may say so myself

CRS Giant's Orange (Wells)

CRS Coffee (Phantom)

CRS Cool Black (Misty)

CRS Pink Flamingo (Mojave)

CRS Dark Liver (Grand Design)

CRS Cerise (Bravour)

Not a huge haul this year and it is a little amusing that most of them aren't actually BreyerFest models! But still some really nice new models that I cannot wait to get out and show. The most disappointing aspect was the grab bag. I have put literally every model I got in it for sale, nothing there I wanted to keep or didn't already have. It was mainly Prost horses.