
Saturday, 7 January 2023

Three New Arrivals

 These little guys arrived last Tuesday but I didn't get around to photographing them until today.

They are the final international release from the 2023 Stablemate Collectors Club. This includes the Gambler's Choice model.

First up we have Jameson aka CRS Satanic Verses

This beautiful glossy black pinto is just darling. I love his little pink nose.

Second we have the Gambler's Choice Atli aka CRS Rowena

I was a little disappointed with this one as every year except the first year of the Stablemate Club I have received the decorator and I feel it has become somewhat of a tradition. However, the colour on this little guy is lovely and he has some very sweet dapples.

Finally we have the new sculpt, this is Kit aka CRS Rights of Man

The colour on this model looks so nice. The beautiful clipped pattern is so unusual! Although those eye whites are a bit much!