
Saturday, 18 February 2023

How do you turn a mini whinnie into a necklace?

 Mini whinnie necklaces are one of the most fun things you can make with your model horses. Not only are they a creative way to use your minis but they also look gorgeous as well.

Turning a mini whinnie into a necklace is a relatively simple process, here is a quick step by step guide so that you can have a go.

Supplies Needed

🐴 Mini Whinnie Model Horse
🐴 Wire
🐴 Necklace Chain

Advanced option:

🐴 Sheep Eye Nail
🐴 Dremel with small drill bit
🐴 Glue

We are going to go through two methods in order to create your necklace. Either method works well, although the advanced option gives you a nicer finish.

Basic Method

The first thing you will need to do is ensure your mini whinnie is clear and, if you want, paint your model to a new colour.

We are going to be using this little mini whinnie here

Now get your necklace change and your wire. Feed your wire through the centre of the chain and wind it around itself.

Alternative option: If you want the horse to be loose on the chain add a small jump ring onto the chain and wrap your wire around this instead.

Cover the wrapping by adding a little bead, I've gone for this cute wooden one

Now get the ends of your wire and wrap them around your model. Secure them by using pliers to tie them in a knot under the model.

You now have a cute little model horse necklace!

Advanced Option

For the advanced option you will need either a dremel or a small hand drill. Use this to make a hole in the withers of your model.

Now fill this hole with superglue and insert a sheep eye nail into the hole. Leave it there to set.

Now you can add a jump ring through the sheep eye and feed your necklace chain through it.

This same method can be used to create all kinds of jewellery and ornaments, including earrings! Enjoy :D