
Monday, 22 May 2023

Meet Susan

 I told myself that I would finish five of the little resins and pewters I had been painting for Hen Party Live. I was a bit apprehensive that I would not be able to because, you know, life but actually just an hour or so painting yesterday and I finished off the first one!

This is CRS Satanic Bible (aka Susan). We are back on the 'banned books' names hence the slightly unusual name for this girl! Although I do think the name suits this little girl! That face! Bambi pulls this exact face all the time.

Susan is a 'The Warden' pewter micro by Maggie Bennett. She is an Arabian mare although obviously this little girl is going to be a PBA. I don't have many little resin Partbred Arabs (I have a fair few purebreds) so I thought partbred would be better. I also don't have a buckskin micro so it seemed like the right choice of colour!

She isn't perfect but she is kinda cute and she does look nice in photographs. I'll definitely be after another of this model to paint, I think she needs an equally angry sister!

Also I put her in the moss on the side whilst I was setting up the blanket and she looked so pretty! Like a tiny little fairy horse, especially next to this little flower. So I took like a THOUSAND pictures trying to get one that was perfect (my camera is very much on its last legs, as is my lens so they aren't great)!

I also managed to finish the gorgeous pinto Warmblood so I'll pop some pictures of him up tomorrow!