
Monday, 20 February 2012

UH Custom Contest Entry

This weekend I started (and finished) my UH customzing contest entry. The theme of the contest is 'British' so me being me I put that into Google images and used to choose the image.

The resulting image was a 'Red Coat' Colonial soldier from the American Civil War. I thought why not and got to work.

For the horse to work he needed to have a hat and a gun which I sculpted out of Amazing Sculpt and added on.

In this image you can just see him fully prepped with just a few layers of paint initially added:

He has had his trousers and boots done and that is all....

I built up the colour in layers just as if it were layers of clothing. In this image you can see the first layer of red which created his characteristic red coat:

The next stage was to paint his 'skin' this meant doing his face and front hooves in a skin type colour. They then had pastels added. All of his paintwork was done as if he was human and not equine.

The final few layers involved adding all the details and trims. These had to be carefully built up. The last thing to be painted was the gun and then the guns details:

And here is the finished piece! This is the decent picture of him. In the background is a printed off image of Civil War British soldiers to help give some context to the piece. You can clearly see all the painted on details and the sculpting:

The other side of the horse showing the buttons up the boots and other details:

The belly actually had most of the detail as this is where the coat did up. Note the sash passing over the belt buckle and the detail on the jacket:

And finally an image of the head. The soldier in the picture had grey hair so I thought my little Andy should have a grey mane and tail to match:

So yes I will keep you posted and let you know if I win!

1 comment:

  1. He looks great and such a wonderful idea. I love all his little coats buttons and cuffs.

    Good luck at the show! :)

