
Thursday, 11 February 2016

2016 Horse of the Year Harper - From Other Angles

One of our followers has requested some images of Harper from other angles! So here we go:

For anyone who wants my opinion on her, I think she is a definite must have! I absolutely adore my girl, beautiful sculpture and a lovely colour. She is definitely one you want to be adding to your herd. Although I am now missing the 2015 one Liam from the series, I only have one left in stock....maybe I should buy him!

More pictures :D

We have plenty of this gorgeous girl left in stock. So I'd definitely recommend that you head over to Chestnut Ridge and grab yourself one!


  1. I wasn't really that taken with her when the promo photos were first released, but the more I see her the more I'm starting to like her. In fact, she's really growing on me now :) I wonder if she'd make a good mother for the bay tobiano colt on the Haflinger foal mould from the Colorful Foals set...?

    1. I think she would indeed! I do think she has a bit of pony in her, maybe a Connemara mix? I'm yet to settle on a good breed.

  2. Wow, thanks for posting! I honestly didn't expect to see this! <3
