
Friday, 8 April 2016

Halter Making

OK first up before my massive achievement of the day we have a very nice colourful rainbow halter (such fun).

Definitely should have trimmed that purple strap more...

Anyway that was nice and colourful.

But check out my achievement! After years of trying I finally mastered the art (well OK so I actually completed one...mastered probably isn't the right word) of making a nylon rope halter.

I cut too little cord on the first one but still looks reasonably OK

Cut more cord for the second!

I only had this annoying waxed cord (I swear I had normal cord somewhere) so I've ordered some normal cord so I can make more (by normal I mean I discovered I could buy hemp cord and ordered that because normal would just be too boring for me)!

Also found some multi coloured cords, definitely going to give those a go at some point!

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