
Friday, 6 May 2016

Nashira and Nebula

I actually finished off two resins yesterday but I felt Celestia deserved her own post, particularly as her pictures were hidden behind the other resins on Facebook.

So meet CRS Nashira (Celestia) and her little friend Nebula

She is an AA China Venus with unicorn horn and cat

Her base is dark blue with black shading

Her mane and tail are dark purple with black shading and gloss for emphasis

Her details have been done in silver with gloss on top, her eye has purple as the iris instead of brown

Her base is solid black with silver leaves with clear gold glitter on top

Nebula is done in white with pink and purple shading and gold glitter with purple eyes

Her background stars are simply white paint applied with a cocktail stick

Her stand out stars are all silver gems, they have been done in the shape of constellations. So if you can spot any let me know what you think you can see!

A better shot of her base:

And a lying down shot to show off her colour in better light

Celestia will be joining my show string but with three new AA unicorns and two unqualified for this year I think we are going to have to do a bit of unicorn rotating at the next few shows!

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