
Monday, 16 May 2016

Work in Progress

The last two weeks haven't been great, I've been having a bad pain time and it is destroying any enthusiasm I have for getting stuff done (don't even mention my University dissertation, that is a disaster waiting to happen).

Today I've been trying to at least get some paint on horses, I hate forcing myself to work, but I know I have to! I need money for new ponies (o and a new guinea pig cage...and council tax...and bills...).

Anyway here are some work in progress pieces:

This Duchess has been half way finished for months now. So she has now had some black added!

These are my other tinys. The hound is complete, just needs sealing. The others are at various stages of completion.

The Stablemate will be a smokey buckskin, the minis are rabicano and tobiano and the foal will be black pinto.

And finally my only current commission piece (well custom one at least). This girl is a blanket appaloosa Stablemate

You never know by tomorrow I may actually have a finished piece to share!

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