
Thursday, 21 July 2016

BF Week - Day 4

So what have we got going on today?

Special Offer

Today we are offering you a free pair of traditional custom bell boots with every order as long as you checkout using the PayPal checkout.

Visit: to order

Treasure Hunt

Today we want to see a picture of your favourite model horse. Either post it on the thread on our Facebook page here:

Or post on instagram with #chestnutridgetreasurehunt and put 'Thursday' in the description.

Remember you can still catch up with the other days as well!

Goody Bag

To win today's goody bag all you need to do is guess what mould this year's Surprise Model will be on.

Head over to our Facebook page and comment on the thread for your guess to be counted:

And to finish here is a picture of my favourite model horse, Freedom. I had a pretty rough time before I met my now husband, that Christmas he bought me Freedom (and Love the Foxhound). I've treasured them ever since.

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