
Thursday, 15 September 2016

Articles Wanted!

Back the grind and I really need to get finished with October's magazine!

There was a huge delay on August's due to my darling computer deleting the entire thing (thanks) but that has been issued and I am starting work on October's.

The theme for October is....SPOTS!

Your article can be as long or as short as you like, it can be about anything you want as long as it is vaguely horsey or model horsey related and somehow fits in the 'spots' theme.

Please email all articles to by October 12th at the latest!

Please make sure any images you include with your article are your own.

As a massive thank you for submitting you will get a finalised copy of the magazine (sent as a PDF) and up to one A4 side advertising. Adverts must also be received by October 12th.

You will also get your article read by all our subscribers *happy dance*

Glitterati thinks there should be a whole article just about him (I've suggested maybe not...)

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