
Saturday, 6 January 2018

Top 10 Live Show Snacks

Mmmm snacks. We all need snacks to get us through a tough day of showing. Afterall isn't that what it's all about? Eating way too much cake? Remember, live show calories, just like service station calories, don't count!

1. Cake

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It is not a live show without cake! As show host you have a legal responsibility to ensure there is plenty of cake for me to eat. It's essential.

2. Energy drinks

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Yea yea I know they're bad for you but a little bit won't hurt will it? I seriously could not get through some shows without my red bull!

3. Crisps

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A pretty standard snack provided by most hosts raiding the multi-packs for the best flavours before they run out is essential! Beef and Onion anyone?

4. Tiny little brownie bites & similar

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You know those packets of tiny little yummy things you get from supermarkets and are usually on 3 for 2 or 3 for £10 or something. Yep I need those.

5. Sausage/Non Sausage Rolls

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No I'm not just adding this in because Brendon is a manager for Greggs! Bonus points if they are warm. Veggie alternatives are also welcome.

6. Curtis' grandma's coconut macaroon things

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OMG THESE WERE AMAZING! I could literally eat like a whole plate of them, I suspect I probably did (sorry guys)

7. Proper sandwiches

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Thick bread, lots of filling. Last year at BMECS I basically survived off buttered bread. You just can't go wrong with a proper sandwich.

8. Toasties from the place next to the Welsh show

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At one show last year I was ill. Proper ill. I would not have made it through if it had not been for the toasties from the place next door. All shows should have someone next door selling hot toasties!

9. Gingerbread

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Nom. Nom. Nom. The vegan gingerbread is equally as yummy.

10. Juice

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I honestly couldn't get through shows without my juice. Love my juice. Juice juice juice.

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